
  • Comprehensive Mall

  • Open Market/Social

  • Overseas Online Store

Order Management

  • 1.

    Automatic collection of shopping mall orders

  • 2.

    Order processing

  • 3.

    Collection and management of claims

  • 4.

    Collection and management of inquiries

  • 5.

    Transmission of order information to WMS

  • 6.

    Transmission of invoice information to shopping malls

Product Information Management

  • 1.

    Matching management between ShopEasy system and products

  • 2.

    Registration and modification of shopping mall products

  • 3.

    Batch gift setting for each order

Inbound Management

  • 1.

    Purchase management

  • 2.

    Logistics center management

  • 3.

    Detailed management according to inbound stages, such as request, inspection, instruction, storage, and confirmation

Outbound Management

  • 1.

    Order management according to outbound strategy

  • 2.

    WAVE (address cleansing, automatic box recommendation, DPS cleansing, etc.)

  • 3.

    Picking according to outbound allocation strategy

  • 4.


  • 5.


  • 6.

    Integration of shipping company system with outbound information

Inventory Management

  • 1.

    History management for accurate inventory management, including inventory status, movement, adjustment, and division

  • 2.

    Integration management with ERP system

Transportation Management

  • 1.

    Transport vehicle and driver management, dispatch management

Settlement Management

  • 1.

    Collection management for settlement

  • 2.

    Inventory settlement status

  • 3.

    ERP order status

  • 4.

    Returns completion status

Product Information Management

  • 1.

    Matching management between ShopEasy system and products

  • 2.

    Registration and modification of shopping mall products

  • 3.

    Batch gift setting for each order

Order Management

  • 1.

    Automatic collection of shopping mall orders

  • 2.

    Order processing

  • 3.

    Collection and management of claims

  • 4.

    Collection and management of inquiries

  • 5.

    Transmission of order information to WMS

  • 6.

    Transmission of invoice information to shopping malls

Inbound Management

  • 1.

    Purchase management

  • 2.

    Logistics center management

  • 3.

    Detailed management according to inbound stages, such as request, inspection, instruction, storage, and confirmation

Inventory Management

  • 1.

    History management for accurate inventory management, including inventory status, movement, adjustment, and division

  • 2.

    Integration management with ERP system

Transportation Management

  • 1.

    Transport vehicle and driver management, dispatch management

Settlement Management

  • 1.

    Collection management for settlement

  • 2.

    Inventory settlement status

  • 3.

    ERP order status

  • 4.

    Returns completion status