Environmental Management

AININetworks aiming to be a better ICT company

AININetworks pursues harmony between humans and nature for continuous environmental improvement.

01. Environmental Policy

We deeply recognize the importance of the global environment and continuously strive for environmental improvement by seeking harmony between humans and nature.
We set specific goals and manage them accordingly.

"Harmony between Humans and Nature"

1. Thorough compliance with environmental laws and regulations
2. Continuous environmental improvement such as energy conservation and minimizing environmental pollution

02. Environmental Management System (EMS) Process

We will establish an eco-friendly organizational culture by minimizing environmental pollutants in all aspects of our products, activities, and services, according to the processes included in the Environmental Management System (EMS).


Documenting the System

Resource Management

Environmental Aspects Identification and Impact Assessment

Operation Management

Emergency Preparedness and Response Management

Environmentally Considerate Design

Input of Raw Materials and Energy

Energy Consumption and Raw Material Use

Generation of Pollutants during Product Manufacturing

Generation of Pollutants during Transportation

Energy Consumption during Product Use

Environmental Pollution during Disposal


Environmental Objectives and Performance Management

Internal Audit

Management Review

Corrective Action