Ethical Management

AININetworks: Striving to be a Better ICT Company

We, AININetworks, aspire to be an ICT company that walks the right path with honesty, sincerity, and dedication to do our best in every task.

01. Ethical Management Principles

We, AININetworks, aspire to be an ICT company that walks the right path with honesty, sincerity, and dedication to do our best in every task.

02. Declaration of Ethical Management

In order to evolve into an ICT company that walks the right path with honesty, sincerity, and dedication to do our best in every task, we, AININetworks, declared May 2015 as the "Year of Ethical Management." We, all employees, are making new commitments. These promises will not remain mere slogans but will become a part of our daily lives. We will fulfill our responsibilities to shareholders, customers, and the nation and local communities. To practice ethical management, we will respect the order of free competition in the market and the principle of fair competition, adhere to the highest ethical standards and comply with all local and national laws and regulations in our business activities. Through these efforts, we are confident that we will increase corporate value and achieve mutual prosperity with all stakeholders. By firmly practicing and establishing ethical management as the criteria for sound decision-making and behavior, we will build AININetworks' image as a clean company and continue to uphold ethical management.

03. Ethical Code


We pledge to uphold the four fundamental ethics that all employees must share and observe to be an ICT company that walks the path of honesty, sincerity, and giving our best to the entrusted tasks.

  • 1.

    We fulfill our roles and responsibilities according to the company's pursued corporate philosophy.

  • 2.

    We prioritize customers as the highest value.

  • 3.

    We respect the principles of free competition and take the lead in sound industrial development.

  • 4.

    We actively contribute to the nation and society's progress and make efforts for environmental protection.

  • Main Content
    Chapter 1

    We empathize with the company's corporate philosophy and fulfill our roles and responsibilities accordingly.

    We empathize with the company's corporate philosophy and fulfill our roles and responsibilities accordingly.

    Chapter 2

    Ethics towards Customers We prioritize customers as our top value.

    Ethics towards Customers We prioritize customers as our top value.

    Chapter 3

    Ethics towards Business Partners We respect the principles of free competition and lead healthy industrial development.

    Ethics towards Business Partners We respect the principles of free competition and lead healthy industrial development.

    Chapter 4

    Ethics towards the Country, Society, and Environment We actively contribute to the development of the country and society and contribute to environmental protection.

    Ethics towards the Country, Society, and Environment We actively contribute to the development of the country and society and contribute to environmental protection.